We continue to grow and add to our services so please check our programming page for any new additions.


Insight Youth Services also provides a host of other programming throughout the cities of New Bedford and Fall River.

Invest In Kids Programming

We offer Invest In Kids programming for 5th graders that are transitioning to middle school next year and want to prepare for the next challenge.

STEAM Mentoring

We offer a STEAM Mentoring program that allows adults and students to work together in hands on activities and hopefully build lasting relationships.

South Coast Youth Court

          Youth Court is our premier program and an alternative to traditional prosecution. A referring agency (School, Police, or Court) may decide a young person is a candidate for Youth Court. That referral agency will complete a consent form with the young person and their parent/guardian. The consent form authorizes the release of the incident report to the Youth Court Staff. Once a complete referral packet (signed consent form, official report and any other supporting documentation) has been received, the Youth Court Staff will contact the family to set up an intake. The intake must take place prior to the hearing. At the intake appointment, families will receive a copy of their hearing notice and all the information they will need to be successful at Youth Court.

The Hearing

        The Hearing is a sanction hearing that asks the young person to accept responsibility and testify on their own behalf to a jury of their peers and accept and complete the sanctions that the jury hands down to them in replacement of a criminal record or lengthy suspension/ expulsion. Parents/ guardians are required to be present at the intake and hearings and asked to help in their child's success by getting them to and from sanctions.

Project LIVE

We offer a Project LIVE Mentoring program that connects students that are referred with Police Officer Mentors to not only provide lasting relationships but to help reduce the stigmas and negative outlook on law enforcement.

Project LIFE

We offer Project LIFE, a life skills program for middle school students looking to develop skills that are not always taught in school.